Very soon I will have a ridiculous number of major papers and assignments due, so this weekend I was going to work hardcore on the first one. So far, I've done research, but I've yet to write any of it. I did set up a Word document with page numbers, my name, and all that jazz, but that's it so far. Yesterday was Kristen's birthday, so I was going to have the fun part of my weekend and whip out a paper today. I'm sure you can see where this is going. Today was the day of the Belmont homecoming games, so I was going to work some, take a study break at the game and finish up tonight. I got absolutely nothing done except for updating my facebook before the game. I spent half an hour at the library (where my e-mail didn't go through, which I didn't find out until after the library had closed, so my time was wasted) and then five hours at the game. Since the game ended, I've done a minimal amount of research, gone out to eat with Rebecca, and posted videos on youtube. Now I'm blogging while Rebecca and I watch Ten Things I Hate About You (in memory of Heath, who I still can't comprehend is dead). I am making zero progress. Tomorrow, of course, is church in the morning, and the Pro Bowl at three. I think it's safe to say that I will be up late on Monday night so I can finish this paper.
Since I'm wasting time, I guess I can talk about the exciting (or not so exciting) things that have been going on lately. First and foremost, I got the Footloose soundtrack in the mail the other day, and it is absolutely wonderful. I've wanted it for a while, but I finally ordered it on Amazon (for a total of $6.36 including shipping), and it could possibly be one of the best purchases I've ever made. Also in the mail, I got a Valentine's Day package from my mom which included candy, a new sweater, and gift cards. Being single on Valentine's doesn't suck so bad when your parents send you sweet stuff!
Yesterday, as I've already mentioned, was Kristen's birthday. I went out to eat with her and her family last night, and we had a really good time. I finally got to meet her best friend from home, and Rebecca and I realized that she is a mix of the two of us, which explains our friendship and why it works so well.
Rebecca sang Happy Birthday in Polish, and I got it on video, which is really awesome, so I feel like I should share it...
And speaking of videos, my wonderful RA provided me with a great one tonight. Rebecca was trying to decide if she wanted to date someone who was significantly taller than she is so that her children would have a chance. We talked about how it might be awkward to date someone who was too much taller. In Heather's words, "Let's be real, when you make out you're sitting down. It doesn't matter." We discussed this further, and eventually we turned on the camera. I think it's important to note that when we were discussing this, we were in Heather's room where there was a dog. We are not allowed to have animals in the dorms, but Heather is dog-sitting (I have no idea whether or not that should be hyphenated), and she had to be here so she brought the dog with her. This explains why we love Heather so much. Not only is she fun and funny, but she also disregards the rules every now and then. . .
While I think there have been more exciting things that have happened recently, I can't really think about what I'm writing while there is a movie playing and Rebecca is giving her usual commentary. I've posted the videos though, so they should make up for any lack of information.
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